Color Coming Soon
Color Coming Soon
Color Coming Soon
Color Coming Soon

6930 White
6955 Red
6948 Yellow
6989 Green
6971 Blue
Availability: All street signs come standard with (AEGP) Type I Engineer Grade Prismatic Reflective sheeting
(HIA) Type III High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheeting
3M High Intensity Prismatic Reflective Sheeting Series 3900 is ten times more reflective than Type I reflective. Signs are 0.080" thick with type III high intensity prismatic lens retroreflective sheeting applied over the surface. Signs will never rust and have an average reflective lifespan of 10 years (3 years on Orange 3934). Meets ASTM D 4956 Type III/Type IV & ASTM E-810 specifications for most Local & State D.O.T. requirements. Meets & exceeds the Federal Highway Administration's MUTCD standards for minimum reflectivity level on all colors listed below. Learn more on 3M High Intensity (HIA) materials.




3930 White
3932 Red
3931 Yellow
3934 Orange
Availability: (HIA) Type III Reflective is an available upgrade for the following signs: Construction Signs | Regulatory Signs | Road Signs | School Signs
Ordering: Please allow an additional 2-3 day lead time when upgrading to this sheeting.